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Prominent Resident Dies
Herald of June 30, 1898
Harrison Gorsuch, prominent Martinsburg resident, died the previous Thursday as a result of a fall from a ladder several weeks before. He was aged 72 and followed blacksmithing most of his life, first at Springfield Furnace and later at Martinsburg.
At a congregational meeting held at the Martinsburg Reformed church Sunday morning, Rev. G. P. Poetter of Baltimore was given a call to become a pastor of the church. The congregation at Beavertown joined in the call.
The first cavalry, known as Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, had a pitched battle with Spanish troops eight miles from Santiago, Cuba, on Friday. The Rough Riders had been ambushed and fought against great odds, but finally dislodged the Spanish. This was the most important land battle of the war so far.
Ed Gates of Loysburg was a candidate for the title of champion fisherman of the Cove, having caught 91 trout in Maple Run one day the previous week.
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