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Williamsburg Grads Hold on to Memories

"We've all been anxious, on edge, full of joy and excitement," Class Secretary Liliana Neri told the packed Williamsburg High School auditorium during Commencement exercises Friday, May 26, at 6 p.m.

Forty-six students received their diplomas.

"We have had these emotions this whole year, but especially this week," Neri said.

Neri thanked the teachers, family, coaches, friends and classmates for "memories that will last a lifetime."

Class Treasurer Connor Craig talked about his 13 years with the district and the feeling of community, especially at basketball games being a cheerleader and the JKTV from School Board Director Jill Norris and her esteemed commentary.

"This diploma signifies a small place in this community," Craig said.

The 2022-23 school year was the first for Jennifer Frederick as secondary principal.

"It's been an honor to serve as your principal," Frederick said. "You've made my first year quite a rewarding experience."

She left the seniors with two pieces of advice: "Don't underestimate the act of kindness, and accept that life isn't fair. Failure is just the pathway to success."

Frederick announced the valedictorian and salutatorian of the Class of 2023, Abbie Merritts and Kendal Norris, respectively. Recipients received a medal, certificate and a scholarship from the School Board.

Merritts was the vice president of the Class of 2023, treasurer for the National Honor Society, co-editor of the yearbook, took eight dual-enrollment classes, earned 24 college credits and will head to Shippensburg University for pre-veterinary. In her speech, Merritts thanked the class of 2023 for "the best years of my life and I wish you the best of luck on an adventure that is best suited for each and every one of us."

She said that like most, she was often antsy about graduating and to get out of high school, but now she is sad about graduating. She encouraged younger students to "live in the moment, soak it all up. Those last lunches and walks in the hall are wonderful memories."

"What I wouldn't do to have five more minutes in high school," Merritts said.

Norris is the president of the Class of 2023, Student of the Year for the GACTC in dental assistant, took four dual-enrollment courses, and earned 12 college credits during her tenure at Williamsburg. Norris will head to Allegheny College of Maryland to study dental hygiene. Norris first praised speech team advisor Elizabeth McMullin for help on being able to say the speech out loud.

"Thank you doesn't even begin to show gratitude," Norris said. "We have officially fulfilled our title as the Class of 2023."

Norris detailed memories of events throughout the class' time at Williamsburg.

"We want to wish our adolescence away, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment you'll never forget," Norris said. "You all are not only my classmates but also my friends."

Superintendent Lisa Murgas presented an honor cord to students who maintained an A average throughout ninth through twelfth grade. Recipients included Shelby Aurandt, Alex Brantner, Justin Brubaker, Bailey Brumbaugh, Jade Carper, Abbie Merritts, Kendel Norris and Liliana Neri.

Murgas said the Class of 2023 earned many college credits in their tenure at WHS. Some will head to colleges such as Penn State, Lycoming, Juniata College, Liberty College, Mt. Aloysius and St. Francis.

"I walked you to kindergarten on your first day, and now I get to shake your hand as young men and women congratulating you on your next journey," Murgas said. "I have been honored to have been a part of your journey. I am excited for the future because you are all going to be a part of it, and always remember your Blue Pirate Spirit."

Dr. Barry England, president of the Williamsburg Community School Board, honored Dorothy Koontz who passed away earlier this year and served the district for over 68 years. England closed his speech by talking about three items that the senior class needs to succeed in this world: sacrifice, the idea of service and being generous.

The class officers for the Class of 2023 included President Kendel Norris, Vice President Abbie Merritts, Secretary Liliana Neri and Treasurer Connor Craig.

The class song was "I Lived" by One Republic. The class colors were blue, white and silver. The class flower was the blue hyacinth. The class quote was, "We have done the deal."


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