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Infant Dies of Measles
Herald of May 18, 1923
Donald Eugene Ruby, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruby of Curryville, died on Monday morning, May 7, the cause of death being measles. He was aged 8 months and 26 days.
Miss Mary Belle Bonebreak became the bride of Mr. E. Walter Stamm of Wilkinsburg on Saturday afternoon. The bride is a trained nurse, having assisted for a number of years in the office of her brother, Dr. J. S. Bonebreak. The couple will make their home in Wilkinsburg.
The contract for playground equipment for the Snyder Memorial Park was let to the Hill-Standard Co. of Anderson Ind. All persons who subscribed and have not already paid to the playground fund are asked to pay their subscription as soon as possible.
The new meat packing plant of the Confederated Home Abattoirs Corporation at Altoona is completed and in operation. The plant will be thrown open for inspection to the stockholders and general public on Monday. May 21.
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