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Cole Challenges Supervisors For a Five-Year Vision

Auditor Daryl Cole asked supervisors during the April Catharine Township meeting, “Where do you see the township in 5 years? What is your vision for the township?”

Both supervisors in attendance — Ralph Rispoli and Ken Brenneman — agreed that adequate road repairs top the list, along with having money to purchase items like a new truck.

Roadmaster Michael Fay said his goals include to make roads more easily passable, as only three roads have been completed in the last eight years. Fay presented four roads in the township that are in dire need of repairs and an estimated cost for repairs/labor: Etna Furnace at $75,000, Cross Valley at $122,000, Canoe Valley at $87,000 and Polecat Hollow at a cost estimated of $146,000. Altogether, these road repairs exceed $430,000 and Fay remarked that at receiving liquid fuels — which averages roughly $46,000 yearly — it would take more than nine years to complete these roads.

“You are the leaders of the township,” Cole said. “One of your main jobs is to maintain the roads and make sure they are safe for the residents of the township.”

Chairman Heather Flaig, who was absent from the meeting, wrote down her vision in a paragraph for Cole and the other supervisors. In it, she thought of sending a questionnaire for the residents of Catharine Township to garner ideas and to explain where their tax dollars are going.

“This is an excellent way to gauge receptibility for improvements that can and must be made,” Cole said.

Cole, who also serves on the municipal authority, provided an update from its latest meeting. Some homes along Robeson Extension would like to be added onto the sewer line. The authority would excavate and replace the line. Cole discussed a Must Tap Ordinance, in which residents would have to pay the tap fee, but do not have to connect to sewer line. Supervisors said this information would be passed onto the solicitor before any further discussion would be held.

The one truck owned by the township, which needs an engine, was placed on a municipal bid website and was offered $5,250. The township rejected the offer and wants more information on replacing the engine and the condition of the truck frame before moving further.

Fay would like to begin to have Etna Furnace Road paved. The 1.29-mile-long road would require at least 750 tons of pavement, and Fay would like to have the project done in two different sections. Ken Brenneman made the motion to advertise for bids for the May meeting with Ralph Rispoli seconding. The motion passed.

The township held a moment of silence before the meeting to honor the memory of Dan Isenberg, a former Catharine Township supervisor who unexpectedly passed early last week.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, and we really appreciated all the hard work and ideas Dan brought to this township during his tenure as supervisor,” Brenneman said.


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