Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

10 Years Ago

Additional Funding Received

Herald of April 4, 2013

Martinsburg has received additional funding toward its proposed streetscape improvements in the center of the borough. The funding will allow for improvements to the sidewalks in the 100-block section in each direction from the square.

A new ordinance regulating the use of bicycles and skateboards on Greenfield Township properties was passed by township supervisors. Board members said the restrictions were put in place due to a “severe liability issue.”

The Northern Bedford School District’s Dance-a-Thon raised $30,000 for the American Cancer Society. Leevi Steele was honored during the program. Leevi passed away from cancer just before his sixth birthday on February 6, 2013.

A group of 10 African women visited two Cove farms as part of the USDA’s Borlaug Fellowship program. The group, hosted by Penn State University, toured Friends Farm and Clover Creek Cheese Cellar.


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