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Season For Socks: Local Woman Donates to Those in Need

When we think of giving for the holiday season, items such as monetary donations come to mind, but for one Williamsburg woman, socks are the best thing to give. For six years, Tabitha Clowson has been collecting socks throughout Williamsburg for the holiday season.

"New socks are the least donated items of clothing, yet one of the most needed items in shelters. Socks keep feet dry, free from disease and warm," Clowson said.

"Living on the street, many unsheltered people rarely take their shoes off. They walk often, and proper socks can provide a simple but important layer of protection between these feet and limb-threatening conditions."

Clowson started the sock drive six years ago after finishing her grad school program through a Christian university.

"Throughout my studies, I really learned to study scripture and to find meaning in it," Clowson said. "I was working through Corinthians specifically 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, which says simply whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."

At the time, Clowson did not have much to give, but she wanted to help out. She had her first sock drive between her and a few family members and friends and collected about 100 pairs of socks.

"I was so impressed with the amount of socks that was collected that I wanted to do even more. I then contacted David Cadle to see how we could take the sock drive a step further the next year," Clowson said.

According to Clowson, the success of this project would be nothing without Cadle and the "generous and helpful community of Williamsburg."

The project now collects sweatshirts, hoodies, toiletries and blankets and has collected well over 800-1,000 pairs of socks each year. All the donations go to help locals in need. Many go to Family Services in Altoona.

"They are able to distribute socks to the various shelters in the area - the teen shelter, the women's shelter and the homeless shelter. Dave Cadle also helps distribute socks to local families in need, local churches and local individuals in need at Cove Forge," Clowson said.

This year, the project is donating directly to Ben Blessed, a program in Altoona that focuses on the basic needs of people who are homeless.

There are many drop-off locations throughout the Cove area:

• Biddle's Brewing (Williamsburg)

• Williamsburg Beverage

• Women's Civic Club (Williamsburg)

• Crossroads (Williamsburg)

• Dollar General (Williamsburg)

• Small Town Pizza (Martinsburg)

• The Recipe Box (Claysburg)

• Williamsburg Elementary School with help from teacher Jayme Elvey.

• Vivid Hair Design (Hollidaysburg)

• Edward Jones (Altoona)

This Saturday, during the Williamsburg Shop Local event, there will be a collection during the live nativity.

For Clowson, the holidays are a time for community, family and togetherness, but according to her, "These aren't always possible without a little bit of giving back. We should focus on being present and celebrating each other, not just the presents.

"By giving back, you can provide a chance for a better tomorrow for a lot of people ­­- one simple pair of socks can mean the world to someone who has cold feet."


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