Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

125 Years Ago

Invention on Display

Herald of Nov. 18, 1897

The projectoscope has been on exhibition in the town hall in Roaring Spring for several evenings during the week. This is one of Edison’s wonderful inventions.

George Clapper has been so well impressed with North Dakota that he has purchased 160 acres of land, near Carrington, that state, from the Northern Pacific Railway Co., and will remove there next spring.

George Ringler of Bedford township, who was engaged on Wednesday hulling clover seed at the barn of Perry G. Trough, met with a terrible accident. When about to finish the hulling he mounted the machine and was sweeping off all there when he stepped upon the feed board, slipped and fell, and his left foot caught by the cylinder and the lower part of his leg was torn to pieces. It was found necessary to amputate the leg above the knee.

Brother Sample tied the matrimonial knot on November 11th between Frank Brown and Miss Mary Smith, all of Taylor township.


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