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Middle Pennsylvania District Church of the Brethren Conference & Heritage Fair Combined

“Be of one heart with Jesus.” is the theme of the 2022 Middle Pennsylvania District Church of the Brethren Conference, being held Sept. 16 to 17 at Camp Blue Diamond. Mike Benner, 2022 District Moderator will lead the conference. Mike is a member of the Everett Church of the Brethren and is currently serving as their pastor. “One heart with Jesus” is not an individual devotional ideal but a community calling. This is a synthesis from Philippians 2:2 and John 17. In Philippians 2:2 Paul is urging us to, “be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” To paraphrase this, “be of one heart with Jesus.” John 17 simply empresses in Jesus’ prayer, that we may all be one.

This gathering is combined with the Annual Heritage Fair and will bring delegates and participants from 55 congregations that comprise the Middle Pennsylvania District and its partnering agencies in mission, including Camp Blue Diamond, The Village at Morrisons Cove and Juniata College.

The conference opens 7 p.m. Friday evening at Camp Blue Diamond with Mike Benner sharing a message “Be of one heart with Jesus.”

Saturday will be the Annual Heritage Fair with food, fun and fellowship provided by many of the congregations. Beginning at 6:30 a.m. for breakfast and booths opening around 8:30 a.m. there will be a children’s area, dunk tank, music, crafts and the auction will begin at 11 a.m. Following the auction around 1 p.m., the business session will begin for the remainder of the conference.

Mike Benner, 2022 District Conference Moderator, will lead into the day’s business session. The conference will close with a consecration service for those called to serve in various district positions. This year’s community outreach offering will support Petersburg Volunteer Fire Company & Twin Creek Ambulance Service. Offerings Friday evening will go to support the Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund for relief for Ukraine. Saturday offering will be Pennies for Witness to support the outreach ministries of Middle PA District.

Please plan to join brothers and sisters from the district to celebrate ministries that have been accomplished and look ahead to the future being Jesus in the Neighborhood.

For more information, please contact the Middle Pennsylvania District Church of the Brethren at (814) 643-0601 or visit its website at http://www.midpacob.org.


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