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School Board Approves Reduced Meal Prices

With inflation hitting the current cost of food and the end of federal dollars that had been shelled out for free lunches during the pandemic, the Hollidaysburg School District found a way to recommend that the “paid portion” of reduced-priced meals be waived for the school year 2022-23. Families who qualify for reduced priced meals will pay $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch.

It was proposed that the district use a combination of grant funds received from Giant Food Stores and Food Service Department funds to cover the reduced-price meal payments for students. Students who are approved in the reduced-price category would continue to receive meals without any payment for the 2022-23 school year.

Board members expressed their support for this assistance to students and families in need and keeping the food costs low in a difficult time. District Food Services Manager Betsy Snyder was given thanks for all her work in keeping prices low. According to the council, it took great effort to still be able to offer the free breakfast and lunches. The motion to increase adult meal prices from $3.50 to $4.00 was unanimously approved by the board 7-0. The board also approved prices for the 2022-23 year on all ala carte items sold.

The Hollidaysburg Area School District Cyber Academy Handbook and Chromebook Handbook for the 2022-23 school year was unanimously approved as was the master field trip list for next year.

A presentation was made by Elizabeth Happeny of the Blair County Chapter of the Pa. Association of School Retirees (PASR) and State President Bill Neugebauer to Lisa Surkovich, chosen Educator of the Year, and Jill Furry, chosen Support Professional of the Year. Both honorees were from the Hollidaysburg School District. Furry is the School Nurse at Foot of Ten Elementary School and was recognized for how well she handled students coping with the pandemic. There are seven school districts in the Blair County Chapter of PASR.

The board met in executive session for personnel, negotiations, and student matters prior to the board meeting. The Alternative Funding Committee meeting prior to the board meeting was canceled. The next committee of the whole/voting meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. at the senior high library.


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