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Spring Cove School District Prepares for 2022-23 School Year

The motion to adopt the proposed General Fund Budget for the school year ending June 30, 2023, in the amount of $29,948,421 was approved unanimously by the Spring Cove School District Board of Directors at its May monthly regular board meeting.

The budget will be made available for inspection prior to the final adoption vote at the school board’s regular meeting scheduled for June 20. During that time all necessary advertisement concerning the budget’s adoption will be made. The proposed budget reflects a two-percent increase in tax millage, setting the proposed tax millage at 11.2506 mills.

During Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker’s report, she introduced Steven Foor as the new assistant business manager. Foor prepares to the make the transition to business manager on July 1, replacing retiring Business Manager Kathy Hazenstab.

In the district, a total of five COVID cases were reported last week. This week so far (as of Monday, May 16), two new cases have been reported.

Baker announced Central High School’s Senior Awards Program will be held Wednesday, June 1, at 9 a.m. in the Central High School Auditorium. Commencement is scheduled for Thursday, June 2, at 7 p.m. at Roaring Spring Athletic Field. In the event of inclement weather, commencement will be moved to Central High School Auditorium.

A motion to approve cafeteria meal prices for the 2022-23 school year, reflecting no increase from the current year was unanimously approved. However, the federal government has not guaranteed to provide free lunches for next year at this point. It was also unanimously supported by the board to renew the food service management contract with Metz Culinary Management for the 2022-23 school year.

A number of retirements and athletic and scholastic hirings are scheduled to take place for the upcoming year. The board approved the following resignations for the end of the 2021-22 school year:

• Spring Cove Middle School – science teacher Katelyn Orr and art teacher J. Mark Reed

• Central High School – biology teachers Kelly Ostrowski and Kim Steward and English teacher Jody Seiler.

The board approved the following hires:

• Spring Cove Middle School – Emotional Support/Gifted Support teacher Alyssa Dively, science teacher Jason Ozog, and art teacher Macie Nelson.

• Central High School – biology teachers Dominic Novella and Zachary Johnston, English teacher Alyssa Weidlich, and math teacher Marcus Christofes.

Several new coaches were approved by the board including:

• Heather Winkle as junior high head girls’ volleyball coach with a salary of $2,542

• Joseph Bilka as varsity assistant cross country coach at a salary of $1,966.

In other school business, a motion to approve purchase and installation of a replacement water softening system for Martinsburg Elementary was approved unanimously. This will be done by Martin Water Conditioning per their quote of $12,119, paid from capital projects.

The board voted to approve Beard Legal Group as District Solicitor for the 2022-23 school year. The board also appointed Dr. Jonathan Zimmerman as school dentist and Dr. Fred Heaton as school doctor.

The next committee of the whole meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 13, at 7 p.m. and the next regular meeting is slated for Monday, June 20, at 7 p.m.


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