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Journal Shows What Life was Like in 1922

Editor's Note: Martinsburg resident Kristy Cliber reached out to the Herald after finding a journal in her home. The journal starts on Oct. 25, 1919, and ends in May of 1932. Because there are entries from 2022, the Herald has decided to transcribe these entries (to the best of our ability) for readers to see the day-to-day life of a Cove citizen 100 years ago.

Please note that these are handwritten entries, so there is a large margin for error.

Though it is unclear who the journal belonged to, there seems to be connections to Malachi Bassler, who was a part owner of the Herald, and Harry Miller.

Note that 100 years ago, there was snow on April 21. Talk about history repeating itself!

April 1922

1st, Sat. – Dad & Mother come on the 9:45 A.M.

2nd, Sun. – " " Left on the 4:07 P.M. for Altoona

Hulda and I went down Piney Creek to see Mr. Whittaker

7th, Friday – Hulda and Frank called to Altoona. Joe Whittaker Bad Sick.

8, Sat. – Tim, Hilton, Bess, & Jemmie Bon. here in evening. I was up to Dr. Bonebreak. 1.00. Got chuck for $16.50.

10, Mon. – Joe Whittaker Died at 3 A.M.

11, Tues. – Earl Replogle and I went to Horell for dynamite.

12, Wed. – Joe Whittaker Buried at 2 P.M.

13, Thur. – Started to Pour Concrete for Akes Foundation

14, Friday – Worked from 1 P.M. to 2. Called home. Mr. Whittaker died at 2 P.M. Up all night.

17, Mon. – Mr. Whittaker Funeral at 10 A.M. Wet Forenoon

18, Tues. – Elwin and Hulda down to Aunt Annies. Elwin there all night.

Wed. 19 – Rev. Henry Whittaker took supper with us. We went to Church of God in Evening.

Fri. 21 – Started to Snow.

Mon. 24 – Elsie, Daisy, Hilton, and Elsie was there for company.

29, Sat. – Worked alone in Afternoon C and E meet.

30, Sun. – Hulda Lu. and I was down to Graveyard.


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