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At the April Spring Cove School District combined committee of the whole and regular board of directors meeting, Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker announced that the district has only had one COVID case reported in the last two months. She said, “Blair County and most of the nation are now in the low level of community transmission. We are very pleased with this trend and hope it continues in the future.”
Supt. Baker said that Kindergarten enrollment for 2022-23 continues, with 93 students now registered.
Baker recognized 1963 Central High School alumni, the late John Lingenfelter, for being inducted into the Blair County Sports Hall of Fame for his achievement in the sport of auto racing. She also praised Central High School senior, Parker Gregg, as one of two area students to receive the Blair County Sports Hall of Fame 2022 Scholarship.
A number of new professional hires were approved unanimously by the board for the 2022-23 school year, including: Gabrielle Swackhamer as a music teacher in the district; Emily Shook as an English teacher at Spring Cove Middle School; Anthony Labriola as a Social Studies teacher for Spring Cove Middle School; and Logan Barkman as a Social Studies teacher at Central High School.
The board also approved the hiring of two new coaches: Courtney Lingafelt as varsity girls head basketball coach for the 2022-23 winter season with a salary of $4,173, and Mathew Hepner as junior high girls head basketball coach for the 2022-23 winter season with a salary of $4,437.
Board President James Butler brought up to the other members that he would like to see Central High School or Spring Cove Middle School undertake a school musical production or play. He said it has been several years since any type of musical play has been put together. Supt. Baker informed the board that the cost of putting on a musical could run up to $20,000.
Boardmember Troy Wright said, “When the district is looking at a tax increase, it may be hard to add a musical program for $20,000.”
Boardmember John Biddle disagreed with Wright, saying he couldn’t understand how the district couldn’t find $20,000 to put on a production or musical show with a $30,000,000 budget.
“That does not make sense,” Biddle said.
The idea to do a school play/production will be on the agenda of an upcoming meeting.
The motion to purchase new library books for Spring Cove School District schools was unanimously approved for 2022-23. Central High School Principal Stephanie Thompson explained that the librarian would select the new book list and those recommendations go to the principal and then to the superintendent.
The motion to approve the District’s ARP ESSER grant application for the purchase of English Language Arts programs and resources, effective for 2022-23 school year, was approved unanimously. Although the grant money earmarked for these programs and resources is over $500,000, it must be used for these programs and not for any deficit the school district may be facing.
The next committee of the whole meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 9, and the next regular board meeting is slated for Monday, May 16. Both will be at the administration office board room at 7 p.m.
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