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SCSD Baseball Field Catches Professional Eyes

Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker started the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of Spring Cove School District by bringing positive news, saying, “With the total number of COVID cases in Blair County declining by 43.48 percent in the last seven days, Blair County has now dropped to Moderate Level of Community Transmission. Hopefully, this trend will continue, and we will soon achieve low transmission. In Spring Cove School District, no COVID cases have been reported in the last month.”

She also stated that the outstanding condition of the school baseball field got professional notice. This year, the Altoona Curve offered the Spring Cove School District Buildings and Grounds maintenance workers an opportunity to visit their stadium and learn how they care for their field. They utilized this knowledge in preparing the school fields for the Spring season. Recently, scouts for professional baseball teams attended practice at Spring Cove School District and continued to comment that the fields were in excellent condition for high school fields. Student athletes at the school say it is like playing on Peoples Natural Gas Field.

Baker also told the board that the Dragon Pride Foundation decided this year that it would be too difficult to select one educator, support staff, and volunteer of the year given how many people have gone above and beyond in response to the pandemic. Therefore, they decided to reward everyone on the week of St. Patrick’s Day with a “We Are Lucky to Have You Luncheon” catered by Frederick’s Meat Market.

“It was a nice way to recognize the efforts of our staff,” said Baker.

In buildings and grounds committee business, a motion authorizing the district administration to enter into an agreement with Gartland Lawn Care to provide lawn care services for the 2021-22 school year at a cost of $11,900 was passed unanimously.

A motion to approve the agreement for Professional Services for the design and maintenance of a customized wheelchair lift at Spring Cove Middle School was approved unanimously. This will cost $52,200, to be paid from the Capital Projects Fund.

Recent hirings and resignations include:

• The hiring of Lisa Iachini as Varsity Assistant Softball Coach for the 2022 Spring season with a salary of $2,678,

• The resignation of Alexis Huber, kindergarten teacher, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year,

• The hiring of Steven Foor as Assistant Business Manager from May 2 through June 30, 2022, at a per diem rate of $180.

The next combined committee of the whole meeting and regular meeting will be held Monday, April 11, at 7 p.m. at the administration office board room.


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