Putting cows on the front page since 1885.
Woodbury Borough Council met in regular session on Monday, March 7, 2022, at the Woodbury Community Center at 7 p.m. All members were present except for Mayor Jordan Pabon.
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Expenditures were approved from the February meeting.
Treasurer’s report given by Barb Wilt and approved.
Woodbury Area Community Center minutes were passed to members to review from the January Meeting.
Doug Miller will mow grass for the season.
A new sink will be added to the kitchen as the old one is leaking.
Jeremy Hershberger will be in touch with the courthouse about the election funding.
Hershberger will also contact someone about replacing lights in the dining room with new LED lights.
Hershberger will replace ceiling tiles throughout the building that have been dampened by the roof leaking. This was prior to the new roof being put on.
Amanda Freight requested to advertise more on the sign in front of the building about the bookstore.
Old Business
Kauffman house needs demolished, and Shawn Claycomb will contact Altoona Savings.
The building code needs updated by Girard Rickards.
Tar/chipping of lower Alley/Lodge Street will be reviewed for clarification.
New Business
Council agreed on Resolution 2022-0, ratifying the updated Bedford County Municipal Waste plan.
Funds may be available from a share grant given to Pennsylvania from gambling funds. The council will look at Resolution 2022-2 for a new borough truck and Resolution 2022-3 for Lower Alley paving.
Beverly Ritchey was added as an employee under council for collecting taxes.
SCCBA is starting back up. They will meet quarterly at the American Legion Social Hall.
Next meeting will be April 4 at 7 p.m.
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