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Martinsburg Grace Brethren To Premiere Easter Musical

The Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church will premiere the musical, “Don’t Miss The Grace of God,” written by local musician Ellen M. Stuckey, on March 25 and 26 at 7 p.m. at the church, located at 300 S. Mulberry Street, Martinsburg. The cast is comprised of approximately 40 singers and actors, who will portray the original story through drama, solos and original music. A nine-piece orchestra will provide the musical accompaniment.

Stuckey, music teacher and member of the church, has written both the script and the music for the musical. The story includes the fictional characters, Rachel and Judah. Rachel, (Susan Stern), is a mother whose baby son was executed by Herod in his ruthless quest to kill the Christ child. She is bitter against God and wonders, “Why Would You Let This Happen to Me?” In contrast, Judah, (Ross Hershberger), came to have faith in God when he saw Christ as an infant in the manger after the angelic announcement to the humble shepherds. Through the years of his life, he has wondered, “When Will I See Him Again?” These two characters and many others eventually meet Christ, (Joshua Curry), and realize Jesus is more than just a man.

This is the second full musical written by Ellen Stuckey. In December of 2018, Martinsburg Grace Brethren presented her first musical, “And Did You See The Angel?”

Stuckey said, “In both musicals, I wanted to address problems that are universal and give a Biblical perspective on them. The problem for ‘And Did You See The Angel?’ was that we have many challenges in life which can make us afraid and hopeless. The answer is that God guides, protects and gives hope to those who trust in him.

“In ‘Don’t Miss The Grace of God,’ the theme is that God is in control even when tragedies strike. Although it is natural to question God when the tragedy hits us and our loved ones, if we call out to him in faith, He is there to provide comfort and help.”

She said, “I believe God has been preparing me for this type of ministry for many years through general life experiences as well as tragedies, such as the death of my son at age 21; through my development as a musician and composer and through my growth as a Christian. More recently as a community and a nation, we have had so much loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s good to remember that God cares.

“Musicals are an effective way to tell a story and share a message. In this musical, characters exhibit characteristics that we all have – doubt and faith, sorrow and joy as well as humor. The lyrics to the music also help convey the feelings of the characters. At musicals I have been part of over the years, people often remarked how much they enjoyed the music of the orchestra. This musical will provide a satisfying experience in that area as well.”

DVDs of both musicals are available for purchase from Stuckey.

The dates of the musical are Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26, at 7 p.m. both days. There is no admission fee but donations will be accepted. Contact the church at (814) 793-2513.


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