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Local Author Dives Into Rich History of Blair County

A local author is putting a spotlight on the shining stars of Blair County once again.

Eric Shields recently released a second volume of his book "They Came from Blair County," highlighting the people and their roots within the area.

Shields is a native of Blair County, growing up in Altoona. Though he has lived in Johnstown and Selinsgrove, he has come back to where he was raised.

Shields said that, at first, he never intended on being an author.

"I was into history long before I was into writing," he said. "It as only in the last five years that I put pen to paper."

He said he decided to start writing as a way to share his knowledge with others. For him, it was important to understand a small area's past.

"Every piece of history that goes into a town makes it unique," he said. "That's what is really special about all of it. That's why I love looking at history so much."

The first edition of "They Came from Blair County" was released in December 2020.

"The publishing process was not difficult," Shields said. "I got in contact with a man from Greensburg who helped edit and guide me."

Because his first volume received plenty of positive feedback, he made a second e-edition, featuring interviews with 25 citizens in Blair County who have made an impact.

"I probably have around 100 more for future editions," he said. "This area is full of rich history and so many great people who made a difference."

Highlighting memorable people in Blair County meant showing that anyone can make an impact, according to Shields.

"Sometimes, when you come from an unknown area, you don't think you can amount to much," he said. "The people in my books prove otherwise."

One of the people that Shields interviewed was Doug Wolf of Wolf Furniture. They discussed his ancestors and their journey into creating the furniture company.

Other notable people include baseball player Gene Decker, who played for the Penn-Mar League and the Roy Hobbs Tournament, as well as Ed Flanagan, former NFL center for the Detroit Lions and San Diego Chargers.

"He grew up in Altoona and went on to be selected for four Pro Bowls," Shields said. "It was wonderful to learn about him."

Another interview that Shields found notable was with Dave Burket of Burket Falls Farm. The farm is known for its registered Holstein dairy cattle that have genes bred and developed by the farm.

"Now, over two-thirds of all Holstein cows can be traced to the farm," Shields said.

Shields said that no matter who he spoke with, he always asked what people with big dreams from small towns should do.

"They always have the same answer," he said. "They say to just do it and don't let anyone try to stop you."

Even if others say that nothing can become of those that live in smaller areas, Shields said it was important to keep trying anyways.

He had a similar response for those who may want to become a writer, but do not know if they have a chance at getting published.

"I used to think I had no chance with my writing," he said. "But after I got through my own negativity, I found that I was able to do so after all."

He said if a person writes little by little consistently, they will be able to finish their work.

"It may take months or years, but it can get done," he said. "As long as you keep at it and tell yourself that you can do it."

Shields said he has future books in store, including another volume of "They Came from Blair County" and books detailing the histories of Bedford County and Cambria County.

Outside of writing books, Shields is involved with Cove Community Theater, Claysburg Area Community Theater and Off Pitt Street Theatre in Bedford. He also writes for The Morrisons Cove Herald.

He said that he hopes his books will inspire other people to accomplish their dreams.

"It doesn't matter who you are," he said. "You are capable of making an impact. It took me about 50 years to realize what I could do and what I wanted to do."

"They Came from Blair County" volumes 1 and 2 are available on Shields' website, http://www.theycamefrompa.com. Volume 1 is also available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon, with Volume 2 being released to them in the upcoming months.


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