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Squirrels Attack RS Men
Herald of Oct. 14, 1971
Squirrels attacked and bit Ray Smith and Paul Emeigh of Roaring Spring near the Roaring Spring Blank Book Co. The squirrels were shot and were tested for rabies, and game commission officers placed traps to catch the aggressive squirrels.
Over 150 hogs on Irvin Zimmerman farm in Huston Township were destroyed when it was learned they had been exposed to hog cholera. A quarantine was placed on all Huston Township farms to guard against the spread of the disease.
Inmates at the Huntingdon Correctional Institution raised $771 for Donna Hughes, a Williamsburg teenager who was suffering from cancer.
An average of 90 passengers per day were using the new commuter service at Blair County Airport.
Donald Replogle of New Enterprise RD was elected as a director of the Bedford County Farmers Association.
Rev. Gale D. Crumrine was installed as pastor at the Martinsburg Memorial Church of the Brethren.
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