Putting cows on the front page since 1885.
The Blair County Chamber of Commerce’s Farm-City Committee announced that nominations are now being accepted for the ACE Award.
The ACE Award is the acronym derived from Blair County Agricultural Community Excellence Award and was started as a continuation and expansion of the Chamber’s successful Farm Family of the Year Award, which was initiated in 1970.
In addition to farm families, the ACE Award also allows for nominations of agriculturally oriented individuals, agribusinesses and nonprofit organizations. Activity and participation in Blair County community affairs and the promotion of Blair County agriculture will be the criteria used for selection.
Nominations may be submitted by individuals, organizations, businesses, farm families and/or through self-nomination if desired.
The recipient of the ACE Award will be presented with the award at the November 10, 2021 Farm-City Dinner.
This award, with expanded categories for nomination, is an effort of The Chamber to recognize all facets which make agriculture a primary industry of Blair County. From an individual to organizations, from farm families to agribusinesses, all these components of this industry deserve the opportunity of recognition.
Nominations will be accepted until Sept. 17.
Those interested can pick up ACE award nomination forms in the Herald office at 113 N. Market St., Martinsburg or download a form found on blairchamber.com.
For more information, contact the Chamber at (814) 943-8151.
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