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Alpha Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, International, welcomed new members transferring from Iota Chapter at their Aug. 2, 2021, meeting held at the Claysburg-Kimmel Elementary School.
President Becky Johnen opened the meeting by welcoming Iota transfer members Kristine Olsen, Connie McClain, and Wanda Keller who were in attendance, along with Pat Marshall and Nancy Rockey.
Linda Clapper, Projects Chair, reported that the members donated another $471 to the Jubilani School in Zimbabwe (to date the chapter has donated over $6,000 to the construction of the school as well as toward meals for the students). Also, the chapter collected school supplies and book bags for Bedford Children and Youth clients.
Another ongoing project involves the members working with Girl Scouts of Troop 43009 making fleece blankets. After the business meeting, blankets were knotted by the members and Taryn Walters, seventh grader at Spring Cove School District and member of Troop 43009. Nine of those blankets were delivered to Rebecca's Personal Care Home in Everett and two were delivered to a nursing home by the Johnstown members.
The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 14, 2021, at Spring House Estates in Everett.
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