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John Hileman Jr. Assumes Role of Township Supervisor

South Woodbury Township held their board of supervisors meeting July 6, at 9 a.m. John Hileman Jr. took the seat of Jeffrey Imler who resigned.

The monthly bills and treasurers report was reviewed and approved. Total liabilities and equity is $2,275.898. Wastewater treatment facility has a balance of $104,559.31. Total liabilities and equity is $6,846,718.

The Bedford County tax collection audit was received and there were no discrepancies. The wastewater account audit is being reviewed.

The roadmaster reported mowing, patching, and cutting up trees this past year.

Keller Engineers was present to give an update on Bridge #3, the bridge on Old Mill Road. This bridge is proposed possibly for 2025 or 2026. This project will enlarge a bridge at the end of the road, which will allow milk trucks easier access. The smaller bridge will be eliminated at the beginning of the road. Golden Rule Road Bridge was discussed, and it is slated to be bid on next year.

Land usage was reviewed for some property line changes and land development.

Cove Community Theater sent a notarized letter to install an elevator between the two theater properties for access.

There were 35 inspections done on the Sewer Management program.

Work on the Township's Ford-550 recall has been completed.

An update was given on the American Rescue Plan Act. The township has sent their application in. They can expect to receive money this year and next which could be about 108 thousand each year. What this money can be used for will be disclosed once the money is received.

The township received an invitation to attend PSATS (Pennsylvania Association of Township Supervisors) Annual Business Meeting. This is the centennial year for PSATS. This meeting will be held in Hershey on Oct. 14 and 15. A commencement book will be made. The township was invited to place an ad.

Volunteer recognition and appointments were reviewed. Scott Baker will take a position on this committee as of July.

There are two positions open for a three-year term on the Pennsylvania Rural Water Board. These positions help troubleshoot for the township.

Atlantic Broadband sent a letter to the township telling them they are partnering with Allegheny Broadband to expand internet services.

The next meeting will be 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021.


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