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Roaring Spring Pizza Shop Celebrates Pride Month

June was Pride Month and one Cove eatery decided to show its appreciation to customers who celebrated.

Those Guys Pizza in Roaring Spring made rainbow colored cheese pizzas June 26. It coincided with the Pride Walk that took place the same day.

Brent Ayers is the owner of Those Guys, According to him, the idea came from his wife, Erica.

"She asked me if we would be allowed to do this, and I said yes," he said.

After the initial idea, they posted it to the Those Guys Facebook page to let their customers know.

Ayers said it led to mixed reviews, but they had sold a few of the pizzas that day. They also had customers come from the Pride Walk.

Despite what some may think, Ayers said it is not supposed to be seen as a statement.

"It is not a political stance, just a sign of unity," he said. "As a business owner, you should stay out of politics, but you still want to do your part."

There was also a rainbow flag and rainbow paper butterflies within the restaurant, all created by Erica Dicken.

Those Guys has been around for four years and Ayers said community involvement has always been important. Aside from doing fundraisers with the local schools, the business has also raised money towards autism and cancer.

"The community supports us, so I want to support them," said Ayers. "We will do it again in the future."

Those Guys is planning a cornhole event for Aug. 7. Proceeds from it will go toward the Central PA autism community. Sign ups for teams are due by July 3 and cost $50 per team.

Additional information is available by calling Dicken at (814) 515-8414 or Tammy Claycomb at (814) 937-7907.


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