Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

How Pa. Organizations Support Dairy Production, Distribution

June 2021 is being celebrated as National Dairy Month. Dairy month is a reminder of the importance of dairy.

Milk's nutritional benefits are touted and some of the dairy groups actively involved (partial list) are Pa. Dairymen's Association, American Dairy Association – Northeast, and Pa. Dairy Princesses. Also included are Pa. Milk Marketing Board and Center for Dairy Excellence.

Pa. Dairymen's Association launched a campaign in 2020 called, "We Are Your Dairy Farmers: Stronger Together, Buy Local, Choose PA Dairy." This campaign was intended to encourage families to support their local farm families who work hard daily to produce fresh, local milk and dairy products to feed families.

During COVID-19, milk was in high demand at grocery stores, but was suspended in other supply chain locations due to business, school and government shutdowns.

Thanks to the hard work of Pennsylvania's 6,500 dairy farm families, local milk is available year-round. Pennsylvania milk is available locally and globally and is made into butter, ice cream, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products or ingredients that are used in products like chocolate, snack foods and baked goods. Dairy farmers in the state are stewards of the land and natural resources; they take good care of their cows, provide jobs and economic revenue.

The Pa. Dairymen's Association's website says Pennsylvania dairy is "goodness that matters for good nutrition, better health, stronger farm families, and a strong economy." Pennsylvania's dairy industry fuels all of this by "providing an abundant supply of fresh, wholesome milk that's rich in the nine essential nutrients for good health and by supporting our state's economy to the tune of $14.7 billion annually and over 52,000 jobs," according to this website.

The association also sponsors "Fill a Glass with Hope," a milk distribution program that provides milk to those in Pennsylvania food banks. Every dollar donated is eight servings of milk, according to the organization's website.

The American Dairy Association – Northeast website reminds visitors that "Each and every day, America's Dairy Farmers invest their time, energy & passion into producing wholesome milk for you and your family." The website has information on dairy farms, dairy foods, dairy health, dairy in schools and dairy in sports.

Pa. Dairy Princesses represent the state and separate counties. Their intention is to be county dairy spokeswomen and "promote the nutritional value and benefits of incorporating dairy foods into your daily life," according to their website.

Blair County's 2020-2021 Dairy Princess was Dana Heltzel.

Bedford County's 2020-2021 Dairy Princess was Brooke Gochnour, who wrote articles for the Herald throughout her reign.


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