Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

100 Years Ago

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Herald of May 27, 1921

Joseph W. Boor passed his 90th birthday with friends and family at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Hershberger. His motto for longevity was “early to bed,” retiring at 7.p.m. and rising at the same hour in the morning. He took a walk every day and knew what was going on by reading the daily papers.

A community meeting was held in the E.S. Burket Hall to form an organization for the purpose of bringing closer relation in social life, and business and agriculture interests in the Cove.

C.B. Hetrick, Delco Light dealer in Woodbury, released news that his company had added to their line a new complete electric and power plant, with air cooling and other features at a selling price of $295.

Contractor W.L. Kagarise of New Enterprise and a crew of 100 friends and relatives assisted with a new style box-roof barn 40 by 54 feet, and attached straw shed, 25 by 26 feet, built on the farm of Edwin L. Mentzer in Fair Valley.

William C. Wineland, 44, died at his home in Piney Creek, following a 12-year illness attributed to a tumorous growth on the spine.


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