Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

125 Years Ago

Heat Wave Kills Horses

Herald of May 7, 1896

Several farmers lost caluable horsed during the severe April heat wave.

Six persons were graduated at the second commencement exercises of Martinsburg High School held on May 4 at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church. The account of the commencement program took four of the six columns on the front page and was continued for two full columns on the back page. In addition Jasper, the Roaring Spring correspondent, attended the Martinsburg graduation and took much of his column space describing it.

Ed G. Bridenthal, who was noted for always having a good driving horse and who knew a good horse when he saw one, became the owner of another driver, descended from blooded and good recorded stock.

John Quarry was erecting a new barn for Sammy Wistler of Taylor Township.

Indications across the country were that Maj. William McKinley of Ohio was the leading contender for the Republican nomination for President.


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