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Long-time Martinsburg borough resident and community benefactor W. Gene Henry passed away on Feb. 17 at 88

Long-time Martinsburg borough resident and community benefactor W. Gene Henry passed away on Feb. 17 at the age of 88.

Henry, perhaps best known locally as owner of the Spring Dam and Stone Manor mobile home parks, was born in 1932 at Nason Hospital. He was a direct descendent of Martinsburg founders John Brumbaugh and Daniel Camerer and Williamsburg founder Jacob G. Ake, Sr.

Henry was a 1950 graduate of Martinsburg High School and received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from Penn State University. He was a teacher in the Altoona Area School District for 25 years, retiring in 1980.

Henry was a generous benefactor to the borough of Martinsburg, donating land and money to the construction of the borough building, ambulance building, as well as funding public safety projects such as the widening of intersections for easier traffic flow.

Henry was a member of the Fairview Cemetery Board and donated two buildings, an administration and maintenance building to the cemetery.

An obituary and story on Henry’s legacy to Martinsburg will appear in the Feb. 25 edition print of the Herald and the online edition.


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