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SC Superintendent: COVID-19 Response 'A Huge Focus' of Our Time'

At the regular Spring Cove School District Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19, Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker updated the board on cases of coronavirus and closings within the district.

“The COVID-19 response remains a huge focus of our time,” Dr. Baker said. “This morning, the district was notified of one additional individual at Spring Cove Middle School who recently tested positive for COVID-19 and also one who is considered probable, bringing the total number of cases within a rolling 14-day window to three.

“Based on the new state requirements, Spring Cove Middle School has now closed for contact tracing and cleaning until Monday, Jan. 25. Classes will continue remotely. All other schools remain in session in person at this time with one case at Spring Cove Elementary and zero at Central High School.”

The district’s clinical staff (i.e. nurses and school psychologists ) have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination and are scheduled for a second. A great deal of time has been spent over the last week reaching out to the remainder of staff to get them signed up for the vaccine. Blair County EMA is requesting the necessary vaccines and will provide the district further instructions on the distribution process.

ESSER II Funding

The district’s preliminary allocation under the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief II funding through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act is $1,362,111. Spring Cove will need to apply for the funds through a grant application process, but the grants are not competitive.

The back-ordered materials for the Spring Cove Middle School Vestibule Project have arrived, and the contractors are working on completing the project at times when the school is able to provide them with access to the area.

2019-20 Audit

Jeff Koontz of Ritchey, Ritchey & Koontz reviewed the auditors report for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Koontz reported no audit findings and reported the district in good shape with legal requirements. Koontz said they did not budget grants as they cannot be certain these will come in. There was an $8.5 million fund balance with the pension liability still large. The biggest spending projects were electrical at Bean Hill, asbestos removal and extensive HVAC work.

The auditors report was unanimously accepted by the board. A motion to approve the course list and approve the course description books for the 2021-22 school year was unanimously approved. A motion to approve the transfer of $275,000 from the General Fund to Capital Projects was approved by a 7-1 vote with boardmember Linda Smith opposing the motion. Additionally, a motion to approve the resolution to not increase the district’s taxes above the Act 1 Index for the 2021-22 school year was unanimously approved.

The motion to approve the disbursement of donations to local libraries, fire companies and ambulance services as approved in the 2020-21 General Fund Budget totaling $9,400 was approved by the board.

Motions to accept the resignation of Josette Rhykerd from the position of junior high assistant girls basketball coach and the hiring of Christine Finnley for the same position at a salary of $2,367 was approved unanimously. There was some concern over Finnley’s availability for all games as she is also working as a per diem substitute teacher at the Bellwood-Antis School District. Dr. Baker assured the board that this would not be a problem.


The board accepted the resignation of four district teachers totaling 128 years of service along with the resignation of a school nurse, a paraprofessional, and a kitchen assistant:

• Mary Kay Benson, elementary teacher, effective at the close of the 2020-21 school year. Mrs. Benson has worked in the district for 35 years.

• Rose Detwiler, kitchen assistant, with her last working day to be Feb. 26, 2021. Mrs. Detwiler has worked in the district for 7-1/2 years.

• Lori Gochnour, elementary teacher, effective at the close of the 2020-21 school year. Mrs. Gochnour has worked in the district for 29 years.

• Sheila Heuston, paraprofessional, effective at the close of the 2020-21 school year. Mrs. Heuston has worked in the district for 14 years.

• Marlene Horton, health room nurse, effective at the close of the 2020-21 school year. Mrs. Horton has worked in the district for 11-1/2 years.

• Douglas Roberts, secondary science teacher, effective at the close of the 2020-21 school year. Mr. Roberts has worked in the district for 33 years.

• Dawn Strum, Elementary Teacher, effective at the close of the 2020/21 school year. Mrs. Strum has worked in the district for 31 years.

Based on the completion of three years satisfactory service, tenure was granted to Christine Rhoades.

The next committee of the whole working meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8. The next regular school board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16. All meetings will be held virtually due to social distancing.


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