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100 Years Ago

Hunter Bags 14-Pound Turkey

Herald of Nov. 26, 1920

Grocer O.H. Wagner was the first of our local sportsmen to bring in a turkey, having bagged a 14-pounder the first day of the season.

The Rev. C.S. Nonemaker, of Lakemont, had been appointed pastor of the Church of God at Snively’s for the ensuing year, beginning Nov. 1.

Roy Brumbaugh was one of the turkey hunters who shot a turkey, 12-pound bird. John Keesy bagged a 10-pound turkey.

The Salemville correspondent reported that the ground was covered with snow on Nov. 16.

The streak of real winter we had, hit the farmers pretty hard, as the majority of them did not have their corn all husked.

The hunters had been numerous in the Mines since the season came in for hunting.

The Herald was informed that the Morrison Cove Vocational school had the largest enrollment of any vocational school in the state.

A.D. Wolfe recently gave his house in Salemville a coat of paint, and also had the water piped into the house.


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