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Thought for the Week

Progressional Prayer

Scriptures to Read:

Genesis 1:1 & 9-14

Genesis 8:15-22

Psalm 8:1-9

Psalm 90:10-17

II Corinthians 5:1-10

St. Matthew 25:31-40

St. Matthew28:16-20

I want to do something with you that I have never done before. I hope it becomes a blessing to you. We were talking at the breakfast table. I said, "How did we get on this subject?" So we backtracked. Well, we talked about this and before that we said, before that was, and before that etc. I call that "progressional conversation." I think we all do it. One thing leads to another and another, and so forth.

That's one of the roots for this "Thought." Another is: I woke in the wee hours of the morning from a dream. I (we) were climbing a steep hill. At the top was a beautiful panorama Forest, meadow, flowing stream, in the far distance was a gap in the ridge and spanning the gap was a rainbow. On the slope before me were many small flat spots. On each there was a small table and chair. On the table was both a microphone and speaker. At each table, someone was seated. We were all able to speak to and hear one another. We were praying. We were using the A.C.T.S. format for prayer. A. Adoration (worship), C. Confession, T. Thanksgiving, S. Supplication. I started to pray, you picked it up, she prayed, he prayed and so on.

Inside a parenthesis () is the subject for my prayer. At any point, you can pick up the subject and pray: with your prayer leading to my, or someone else, picking up that subject and moving on to another.

(God's creation) Thank you Lord for the beauty of creation. You are all-powerful. There is such variety in what You have created. (Color) There is splendor before me. (Rainbow) Thank You for the Promise of the rainbow. We may not think of the total promise. Help us not to overlook anything You tell us. (Flood) Father bless and comfort those who have suffered loss from natural disasters. Protect those who have experienced hurricane-flooding and those experiencing devastating fires. If You are trying to get our attention, help us see, hear, understand, what it is You want to teach us. (Teach) Teach us to number our days, to know we must give account to You of what we have done and are doing.

(Account) Help me to let go of anything done against me. Help me not to hold grudges. Help me forgive completely. (God) Thank You Lord, that You have forgiven. (Mercy) We do not deserve Your mercy but I thank you for it. (Grace) And going along with Your mercy, You extend grace to us. (Unknowing) Father there are so many, perhaps one/third of the world's population that have never heard of You, Your Mercy, or Your grace. Help Your Church to do better at getting out the Gospel. (Suffering) There are so many who are suffering from countless terrible things in their lives. Help those who are hungry, homeless, helpless, and hopeless.

(Ministry) Bless those who are reaching out to provide for those in need. May they not grow weary in doing good. (Needy) May we see the Face of Jesus in each person in need and recognize when we help them we are doing the will of Christ. I heard you pray for your family. (Family) Lord help broken families to heal. Bring the Love of God to bear so that love can be re-produced. Bring wayward children, not only home, but to Yourself. Help fathers to take up the responsibility You have given them to be spiritual leaders. Help me, as a father, to set a godly example. Save this 'Thought'


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