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Questions Remain about BLM-Related Incident in Bedford County

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor: 

Recently a group from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement passed through Bedford County on their way to Washington, D.C., and allegedly trespassed on property in Schellsburg where one of the group was shot.

The man later went to the family and tried to make reconciliation. It was a good gesture but the sincerity of it is in doubt. Some questions need answering before we can truly determine if it was sincere or just a propaganda move.

First, why is this peaceful man even associated with a group such as BLM if he was not interested in creating fear or intimidation?

BLM try to intimidate and engender fear wherever they go to protest. One of the group admitted publicly that he was being paid to protest – perhaps all were on the payroll as well.

Why did he not renounce the posts on the BLM site that called for the destruction of this homeowner and the burning of his house?

Why did he (they) not leave the allegedly trespassed property when asked several times?

Why did two of their group go into Bedford to photo or video the area?

Why did these two (spies) try to engage and incite the people of Bedford?

The sheriff had to tell them to leave because of this.*

And why did one of these two spies deny that the BLM is involved in burning, looting, and violent behavior? She said "BLM doesn't do that.”

Finally, why even go through rural Pennsylvania on their trip to D.C.?

If we are to believe his gesture was sincere and genuine and they are peaceful, these questions must be answered.

Rev. John Geyer

Clear Creek Church


Editor’s Note: The incidents discussed by the Rev. Geyer are still under investigation by the Pennsylvania State Police. Police have not confirmed that trespassing occurred nor have they identified who fired a weapon.

A report by the Tribune-Democrat is available at http://www.trib-dem.com. Search for “Group marching to D.C.”

* The Tribune-Democrat reports that state police Troop G commander Capt. Jamie Clark said, “They were asked to leave and they didn’t leave.” He did not specify who asked the group to leave.


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