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The Herald's 'Return to School' Roundup

Parents urged to check school district websites, as information is changing rapidly

Editor's Notes:

1. The Northern Bedford School Board on Tuesday, Aug. 11, pushed back the district's start date for the 2020-21 school year. This decision occurred after the print edition of the Aug. 13 edition of the Herald was already being printed. Thus, the information regarding NBCSD's first day of school for students is incorrect in the print edition. In this online edition, however, the Herald has provided the latest information available. NBCS District Superintendent Todd Beatty said the board has approved a start date of Monday, Sept. 14, due to construction-related delays. The district was originally set to begin the year on Thursday, Aug. 27.

2. Because of the change, the Northern Bedford school district calendar printed in the Aug. 13 edition of the Herald is incorrect. A new and correct NBC School District calendar will appear in the Aug. 20 print edition of the Herald.

3. The Homeroom Listings are published in the Aug. 13 print edition of the Herald. The Aug. 13 print edition of the Herald is available on Cove newsstands beginning at noon on Thursday, Aug. 13. The Homeroom Listings will be posted to this, the Herald's website, around noon on Friday, Aug. 14.

The Herald has prepared a general summary of the "return to school" for each of the Cove's four school districts.

This information was collected from school websites and is accurate as of the date of publication. However, matters related to the coronavirus pandemic are changing rapidly. The Herald encourages parents and guardians to contact their respective school district for more detailed information. Districts publish up-to-date information on their websites.

Note: The homeroom assignment listings appear in the Aug. 13 print edition of the Herald and will be published online around noon on Friday, Aug. 14.


First Student Day: Wednesday, Aug. 26

Cleaning/Disinfecting/Ventilation: There will be constant cleaning of high frequency areas, such as door knobs, handrails, restrooms, and light switches. Classrooms will be cleaned daily, whereas spaces that are used by the entire student body on a daily basis, such as the cafeteria, and recess/gym equipment, will be cleaned between each use, class, or period.

Masks/Social Distancing/Health Screening: Masks will be required of both students and adults during the school day, according to the recent order by the Pa. Department of Health which requires universal face coverings. Claysburg-Kimmel's health plan summary states:

Schools may allow students to remove their face coverings when students are:

Eating or drinking when spaced at least 6 feet apart;

Seated at desks or assigned work spaces at least 6 feet apart; or

Engaged in any activity at least 6 feet apart (e.g. face covering breaks, recess, etc.).

Transportation/Before & After School Care: Transportation to and from school will be provided, although parents/guardians who are not comfortable putting their student(s) on the bus are encouraged to drive their child(ren) to school. CKSD is working with The Learning Lamp to provide before and after school care at the elementary school.

Remote Learning Plan/Cyber Program: If it just so happens that the state of Pennsylvania or the United States does not permit the return to school buildings, Claysburg-Kimmel School district has two plans to transition to remote learning:

Hybrid – students alternate days working in school or on remote learning.

Full Remote Learning – schools are closed and all students are on remote learning (similar to last spring)

Claysburg-Kimmel School District will use Microsoft Teams for their grades 5-12 students and SEESAW for their students in grades K-4. The district is working with the technology department, as well as teachers to include daily face-to-face time via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, should remote learning be implemented.

Parents/guardians who do not feel comfortable sending their students back to school in physical form should contact the building principal(s) to set up admission in the CK Cyber Program.

On July 31, CKSD Superintendent Darren McLaurin sent out a Weekly Parent Update addressing parent concerns with the district's plan to return to school traditionally on Aug. 26. All CKSD parents were asked to complete a survey, which will help the district revise their reopening plans. The survey describes three methods of returning to school:

• 100 percent In-Person

• 100 percent Distant Learning (following CK curriculum)

• 100 percent Online (third party)

If parents or guardians have any questions concerning their school's reopening plans, they are asked to contact their child's building principal.

More information about Claysburg-Kimmel School District's plan is available on their website, http://www.cksdbulldogs.com.


First Student Day: Tuesday, Aug. 25

Cleaning/Disinfecting/Ventilation: Frequently touched surfaces and objects (door handles, sink handles, water stations, etc.) will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Ventilation systems will be checked and filters will be changed properly. Outdoor air will be circulated by opening doors and windows when possible. Drinking fountains will be converted into water bottle filling stations; students will be permitted to bring bottled water in a clear container to school. Restrooms will be cleaned frequently throughout the day. Playground and gym equipment will be disinfected, as feasible. The cafeteria will be cleaned between each meal rotation and will be disinfected as appropriate. Personal hygiene supplies (soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, no-touch trash cans, etc.) will be monitored to support healthy hygiene behavior. Touchless hand-sanitizing stations will be installed throughout the school buildings, as necessary. Water systems will be flushed after any extended school closures.

Masks/Social Distancing/Health Screening: Classroom/learning spaces will have an occupancy that allows for a six-foot distance among students and staff throughout the day. Cafeteria use and other congregate settings will be restricted. Meals may be served in alternate settings, like the classroom. Students and staff will be encouraged to practice hygiene, including the manner and frequency of hand-washing. Signs that promote everyday protective measures and how to stop the spread of germs will be posted in highly visible locations. Non-essential visitors and volunteers will be identified and restricted. Sporting activities for recess and physical education classes will be handled according to the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports. Material sharing among students will be limited. The use of communal spaces and hallways will be staggered. Face coverings will be required of all staff and students on school buses and school property. Staff and students will be instructed to perform symptom screenings and temperature checks at home.

Transportation/Before & After School Care: Transportation schedules and practices will be staggered to promote social distancing between students. Local childcare centers, which serve as bus stops, will be notified of on site care, transportation protocol changes and revised hours of operation or modified school year calendars.

Remote Learning Plan/Cyber Program: Cyber education is available for students and families that are not comfortable going back to school physically. Spring Cove School District wants to emphasize that SCSD Cyber is different from the remote learning that was offered in the Spring of 2020. They note the SCSD Cyber is reading and writing intensive, requires self-motivation, and may need parent/guardian support. Any family interested in the SCSD Cyber program should contact Kim Moyer at 224-3098 to register.

More information about Spring Cove School District's plan is available on their website, http://www.springcovesd.org.


First Student Day: The Northern Bedford School Board on Tuesday, Aug. 11, pushed back the district's start date for the 2020-21 school year. This decision occurred after the print edition of the Aug. 13 edition of the Herald was already being printed. Thus, the information regarding NBCSD's first day of school for students is incorrect in the print edition. In this online edition, however, the Herald has provided the latest information available. NBCS District Superintendent Todd Beatty said the board has approved a start date of Monday, Sept. 14, due to construction-related delays. The district was originally set to begin the year on Thursday, Aug. 27.

Cleaning/Disinfecting/Ventilation: Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting and disposal protocols will be continued, including using EPA-registered disinfectant against COVID-19. Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected at least daily. Ventilation systems will be checked to ensure proper operation. Circulation will be increased by opening windows and doors when possible. HVAC systems and filters will be changed routinely according to the manufacturer's guidelines. The inventory of soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, no-touch trash cans, etc, will be monitored to support healthy hygiene behavior.

Masks/Social Distancing/Health Screening: Students and staff will be required to wear a mask or face covering during all times that a six-foot distance cannot be maintained (hallway movements, lunch line, etc). Non-contact methods of greeting will be promoted. Desks will face one direction when possible. Students and staff should check their temperature at home before entering the building. In-person group work (partner activities, group projects, etc) will be suspended until further notice, whereas group work that is done through the use of technology is authorized.

Transportation/Before & After School Care: Students must use a face mask or covering while riding school transportation. Seating on school transportation will be separated by family units. Primary students with no siblings will sit in the first two rows of seating. Students will fill the bus from back to front, and unload the bus from front to back. The After School and After Three programs will be held in large spaces (i.e. gym, auditorium, cafeteria) to promote social distancing. Limited/no non-essential visitors/volunteers. Individual pre-packaged snacks will be served when possible.

Remote Learning Plan/Cyber Program: Northern Bedford County School District offers a selection of blended online courses, and a comprehensive computer-based program in the form of the Northern Bedford County Virtual Academy (NBCVA).

The NBCSD administration is currently working out logistics for three different education scenarios:

• All students and staff are in the building with instruction being delivered face to face.

• If students and staff are required to stay home, instruction will be delivered as it was this past spring.

• Hybrid of the first two scenarios where approximately one-half of the students would be in the building on any given day.

More information about Northern Bedford County School District's plan is available on the website http://www.nbcsd.org/nbcsd.


First Student Day: Monday, Aug. 24

Cleaning/Disinfecting/Ventilation: Learning spaces, high frequency touch surfaces and any other areas used by students(restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, transportation, etc.) will be cleaned, sanitized, disinfected, and ventilated. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant will be provided in all classrooms. Windows will be opened when appropriate to provide ventilation. HVAC systems will be cleaned frequently.

Masks/Social Distancing/Health Screening: Classroom/learning spaces will have an occupancy that allows for a six-foot distance among students and staff throughout the day. Cafeteria use and other congregate settings will be restricted. Meals may be served in alternate settings, like the classroom. Students and staff will be encouraged to practice hygiene, including the manner and frequency of hand-washing. Signs that promote everyday protective measures and how to stop the spread of germs will be posted in highly visible locations. Non-essential visitors and volunteers will be identified and restricted. Sporting activities for recess and physical education classes will be handled according to the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports. Material sharing among students will be limited. The use of communal spaces and hallways will be staggered. Face coverings will be used by all staff and students. Parents/guardians are required to perform symptom screening before arriving at school each day. Students who have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher (without the use of fever reducing medicine) MUST stay home.

Transportation/Before & After School Care: Transportation schedules and practices will be staggered to promote social distancing between students. Local childcare centers, which serve as bus stops, will be notified of on site care, transportation protocol changes and revised hours of operation or modified school year calendars. Field trips and nonessential travel will be limited.

Remote Learning Plan/Cyber Program: Any parent/guardian that does not feel comfortable sending their student(s) to school should contact their respective school office to schedule an appointment to discuss alternative options.

More information about Northern Bedford County School District's plan is available on the website http://www.williamsburg.k12.pa.us/wcsd.

Editor's Note: The information in this summary is relevant as of Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. The Morrisons Cove Herald encourages readers to contact their respective school district for more detailed information and to frequently check their school district's website for updates, as information is changing rapidly.


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