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100 Years Ago
Herald of July 23, 1920
On Friday night, July 16, five prisoners escaped from the Bedford County Jail. Later it was learned that a Dodge car belonging to William Gephard of West Pitt Street had been stolen from his garage and it was believed that the prisoners made their escape in that car.
The Pennsylvania Railroad announced a 10 percent reduction in the working force of the company. The reduction was to be largely in what was known as the Eastern Region, which covered the territory east of Altoona. About 350 men from Altoona, of the Middle Division, were to be laid off, An exclusive shoe store, Linderman’s, was scheduled to open on July 24, on the square of Martinsburg,
Chalmer Detwiler of New Enterprise, contractor in charge of the erection of the new high school building at Martinsburg, was taken to the Nason Hospital suffering from an attack of typhoid fever,
The correspondent from Mimes was quite concerned over the quality of drivers in the Cove area. He said irresponsible persons should never be licensed.
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