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More Milk Pouring Into Blair County As Cove Dairy Farmer Teams Up With Businesses to Help 23 Area Organizations

More than 4,000 gallons of milk recently arrived in Blair County and will be distributed to local families through food pantries, churches and shelters as a result of a collaboration between the Blair County Farm Bureau, local dairy farmer Jennifer Heltzel of Martinsburg, a board member of the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program, and American Dairy Association North East.

“Organizations that provide food assistance are under enormous stress due to increased need resulting from consequences of the pandemic,” said Heltzel. “I’m grateful to be able to coordinate milk assistance for families and so many seniors throughout the community with the help of such strong partners.”

Heltzel and Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Regional Director Joseph Diamond worked with American Dairy Association North East to use Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) grant money to purchase milk from Clover Farms Dairy. Farm Bureau coordinated the distribution of milk through 23 local organizations.

“These groups are the boots on the ground in this area and they serve the most vulnerable in the community. While milk is one of the most requested items by families, it is one of the least donated as it is perishable,” said Heltzel.

According to Heltzel, The perishability issue was resolved when local Duncansville company, Imler’s Poultry, offered to receive the trailer load of milk at their loading docks and then store the milk in their refrigerated warehouse until local groups can pick up for distribution. Their staff is also pitching in to help unload and load milk for the local organizations.

“Milk and dairy foods are an important source of essential nutrients for people of all ages,” said Heltzel. “It’s especially important to ensure children don’t miss out the important nutrition provided by milk.”

Participating Groups

Area groups participating include the following:

Williamsburg Food Bank; Crossroads Ministry, Williamsburg; Williamsburg Senior Center; Trinity United Methodist Church, Roaring Spring; Martinsburg Food Pantry; Roaring Spring Food Pantry; Round Knob Church of God, Six Mile Run; Saint John’s United Church of Christ, Martinsburg; New Life Church, East Freedom; Jacob’s Way, East Freedom; Homewood at Martinsburg; Mountain Lion Backpack Program, Altoona; Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church; Living Hope Grace Brethren Church, Saxton; Clover Creek Church of the Brethren, Martinsburg; Diehl’s Crossroad Church of the Brethren, Curryville; Memorial Church of the Brethren, Martinsburg; American Rescue Mission, Hollidaysburg; St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank, Altoona; Nehemiah Project, Altoona; Gallitzin United Methodist Church; Tyrone Food Bank; Maybrook Hills Rehabilitation and Health Center, Altoona.


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