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Reader Requests Basic Virus News Updates

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

We want to thank you for doing a good job covering the local news such as cancellations and restrictions concerning the current COVID-19 pandemic.

We were disappointed, however, when we read the March 26 edition. You must surely be aware that a large percentage of Cove readers are of the Old Order Mennonite faith and therefore have no means to access the websites that you listed. It is also true that many of these do not subscribe to a daily paper either and rely solely on The Herald for their news.

While we do recognize that it is impossible for you to print a fraction of what is out there, a few basic facts and numbers would be good. We would like to read the current case numbers and deaths for surrounding hospitals, counties and for our state. Some information about surrounding states, such as New York, would be appreciated as well.

We are hearing a lot of media-driven panic stories and are confused about what is the truth and would thank you for providing that. Thank you for considering this request.

An Old Order Mennonite Reader

Editor’s Note: Thank you for your suggestion. We are, of course, aware of our Old Order Mennonite readers and we apologize that we have not been doing a good job for them.

With this edition of the Herald, we will begin posting updates of basic facts about the virus and its spread, keeping in mind that not all of our readers go online.

Thank you for your suggestion and for being a Herald subscriber and reader.


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