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Symptoms of COVID-19

Series: Coronavirus | Story 10

The Pennsylvania Department of Health said symptoms of the COVID-19 can include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

The symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Individuals most at risk for severe symptoms include elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

Pennsylvanians are reminded to:

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

• Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands.

• Clean surfaces frequently, such as countertops, light switches, cell phones and other frequently touched areas.

• Contain if you are sick, you should stay home until you are feeling better.

“Pennsylvanians should know that we are taking every precaution to keep our communities safe,” Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said. “ If someone is sick with COVID-19, they are in isolation at home or at a hospital and getting medical care. If someone is in quarantine, they have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 and are at home to limit exposure to the community. It is important for residents to remember to stay calm. We have the networks in place to ensure that we continue to make a healthy Pennsylvania for all.”

Dr. Levine said further spread of this virus throughout the nation will likely occur.

“We encourage people to prepare for potential life disruptions,” Dr. Levine said. “The same family emergency plans and kits that we use to prepare for flu or norovirus, and even snowstorms and floods, are important now.”

“Since the start of flu season, we have encouraged Pennsylvanians to stop the spread of illnesses by washing your hands, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning surfaces and staying home if you are sick. Those are the same healthy habits you should continue to practice to protect your family and yourself against the spread of this virus.”


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