Putting cows on the front page since 1885.
The Tuesday Afternoon Ladies' League standings for the week of Feb. 4 are:
Fillies 14 2
Honey Badgers 11 5
Groundhogs 11 5
Coyotes 7 9
Teddy Bears 5 11
High scores:
Team series: Fillies 932
Team single: Fillies 326
Indiv. series: Deb Karns 476
Indiv. single: Tammy Ogg 177
YTD team series:
Honey Badgers 1019
YTD team single:
Honey Badgers 384
YTD indiv. series: Tammy Ogg 540
Gina Corrigan 540
YTD indiv. single: Cindy Snyder 212
YTD avg. this cycle:
Tammy Ogg 161
The Tuesday Afternoon Ladies' League standings for the week of Feb. 11 are:
Honey Badgers 15 5
Groundhogs 15 5
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