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Scriptures to Read:
Proverbs 3:5:8
Romans 8:26-28
St. John 14:1-6
Philippians 1:18-22
Philippians 3:8-14
I Corinthians 15:50-57
I am writing this on Thanksgiving Day. I am thankful. We all get surprises (unexpected happenings). I am certainly not an exception. This is not a surprise in the normal sense of the word. I have seen this coming for quite a while. My cardiologist tells me I have a combination leaking heart valve and an aneurysm because of it. He says it needs to be cared for, it will not heal itself, nor will it better, the longer I put it off the worse it will get and the older I am the more difficult the surgery will be. He says there is no place close by to do it.
So, I am weighing my options: Do I want to do this or not? I am telling you this because I solicit an interest in your prayers. This is not an emergency nor is the cardiologist treating it as such. Hence the exams and testings have dragged out for multiple months. Part of that is my fault. I have had some difficulty clearing my schedule for a long-term-opening. I already know that it cannot be done arthroscopicly. It will require open-chest surgery. That will take a long time for healing and recovery. I have a scheduled appointment with a cardio-vascular-thoracic surgeon in Harrisburg for Dec. 5. After that appointment, I will likely need to make a decision. Do I or don't I have this surgery?
My wonderful wife, with the assistance of our children planned my 80th birthday party. The beginning of the celebration was with family. All 10 children and 14 of our 15 grandchildren plus some siblings were there. The ending of the celebration included some 100-plus friends, neighbors and extended family members. It was a marvelous week-end.
I have many blessings here on earth. Often in my 65-plus years of teaching-preaching ministry I have spoken of the glories and blessings of Heaven. I look forward to being in the presence of the majesty and glory of the Triune God. I am trying to "work ahead" so my free-time-window-of-opportunity will eliminate some time pressures. Examples: I'm ahead with "Thought for the Week" and have declined future pulpit supply. Looking at Scripture, it sometimes says, "In the fullness of time..." When God is ready, He will do what is right. I have no doubt about that. Within the last year, we have lost two nephews. Both were at least 25 years younger than I. Plus, I know I have already reached the allotted three-score-years and 10 and even four score. I can and do pray, "Nevertheless, not my will but Thy will be done."
I am trusting God. Considering the implications and ramifications of my decision, I just don't want to make a human mistake. So I seek God's wisdom for whatever part in this decision I make. I believe we will go ahead with the surgery. The potential date is Monday, Jan. 13, in Harrisburg. Billy Graham said, "One day you will read in the newspaper, 'Billy Graham died today.' Don't you believe it. On that day, Billy Graham will be more alive than ever before." By the grace of God I trust it will be so for me.
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