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Overcomer By Dr. David Jeremiah
God intends for us to be overcomers. And, he gives us the means to overcome. Dr. Jeremiah uses the armor of God from Ephesians 6 to explain how God equips us to overcome in this life. He also uses biblical and current examples of people who have overcome.
He begins with David in the Bible. He overcame Goliath by his dependence on God. He ran toward the challenge and did not run away. David overcame weakness with strength.
The theme of the book is found in Ephesians 6 verses 10 through 18. He uses the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit.
The belt was not an offensive piece of armor; however, it holds everything together. The belt was worn to hold up the tunic and to hold the sword, rope, money, anything a soldier needs can be found held by the belt. Truth is what fits us for life. Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6). Many today do not believe there is an absolute truth. Without the true, things fall apart. We can overcome falsehood with truth. Reject the lies about yourself and replace them with God's truth.
The breastplate in Roman times protected the heart. It was a piece of hardened reinforced leather that was covered with metal plating. This piece of armor protected the heart. Righteousness keeps us from evil. We can overcome evil with good by keeping our heart free from guilt. Keep your heart from wanting to take revenge on another.
The Shoes of Peace helps us overcome anxiety with peace. So many today suffer from stress and anxiety. The shoes the soldiers wore had nail-studded soles (similar to cleats that are used on the football field). These shoes kept the soldiers grounded. We need to stand strong in the peace of Christ.
The shield of the soldier would protect the warrior from fiery or poison darts or arrows. The Bible tells us that we need to protect ourselves from the fiery darts of Satan. The Shield of Faith helps us to overcome fear with faith. Banish doubt with faith.
The Helmet of Salvation will help us to overcome confusion with wisdom. The assurance of your salvation in Christ will protect your mind from Satan's deceptions. Keep your mind confident and hopeful with the Helmet of Salvation.
The Sword of the Spirit is an offensive weapon. Learn to draw your sword. Overcome temptation with scripture. Hebrew 4:12 tells us that "for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."
Finally, we are to overcome everything with prayer. Prayer is our line of communication with God, our Commander. Persistent prayer means praying in all things. We can overcome death with life because Jesus rose from the dead and gives eternal life.
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