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Farewell Reception Held
Herald of Sept, 19, 1919
Quite a number of people from the surrounding community motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leidy and family of near Spruce Creek, on Sunday, September 7. The auto party consisted of nine cars. After reaching their destination a sumptuous dinner was served from the well-filled baskets brought by the auto party to which many good things were added by the hospitable family. After each one had done ample justice to such a sumptuous meal, and spending some time in a social way all returned home thanking Mr. and Mrs. leidy and family for their kindness and wishing them success.
James Umbower who lives on the Ashcom farm in Martinsburg borough had a horse recently that acted rather strangely and decided to call his veterinarian, Dr. P.C. Linderman, who diagnosed the trouble as Tetanus, commonly called lock jaw. When Mr. Umbower was told he was of the opinion the animal would have to be destroyed, but was told that lock jaw could be cured. Mr, Umbower is very much pleased to have his horse cured.
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