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Back to School
It is hard to believe but just about every student is back to school. How many times have you recently heard people comment on how quickly summer flew by? Folks asked my sons if they were ready to go back to school. I reminded my eldest that it was his last first day. The years really do go by fast.
I was reminded of my school years this week when my sister came across my high school yearbook from my senior year. I haven’t changed a bit! Well, maybe I look just a little older. In almost 40 years the styles have certainly changed. The culture has changed rapidly. As I reviewed the pages of the yearbook, no one mentioned social media or texting. But kids still had a desire to start a family, serve in the military, and get good jobs. One thing that has not changed is that children and teens go to school to learn.
Most would agree with the saying that “you learn something new every day.” I would hope that people of faith see the life God has given us as a classroom where we are always learning. Just like school, there are times that are fun and enjoyable. Then there are deadlines and tests that we would rather not deal with. There are requirements and obligations that bring pressure. In life there are “classmates” we like to be with and others who we may prefer to steer clear of.
I think a lot of people still see church as a place to learn about God through the teaching of His Word. At my church, our adult class Sunday school teacher spends at least 25 hours preparing his lesson each week. It shows. He was a missionary who is now in his 80s but still learning. Our pastor takes very seriously his call to equip the saints through biblical preaching. In order to teach others, he must study a lot himself. Many folks take notes so they can learn all they can. Applying what we learn is a challenge.
In the Old Testament, Ezra the priest was one about whom it is said the “gracious hand of his God was on him.” Why? “This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel” (Ezra 7:10). This godly man who studied and taught God’s Word had an impact in his culture.
Solomon came from royal bloodlines. He had great wealth. He searched for meaning and purpose. Solomon stated, “I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 1:13). He understood that God has blessed him and he wanted to grow wise. He also said something my sons would agree with…”much study wearies the body” ( Ecclesiastes 12:12).
The Bible challenges us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study or be diligent workers approved by God who correctly handle the word of truth. How does a kindergarten child become a high school graduate? They are constantly and gradually given new things to learn. They are tested in it to be sure they are actually trying and comprehending. It takes years. Calculus and physics are not taught by first-grade teachers (lucky for my wife). But along the line an elementary student is being prepared for the day when those challenging classes come along. The Bible is a huge book that offers so much to learn. It is invaluable, as seen in Psalm 119. It takes many years of reading and study to gain insight and a good overview of God’s Word.
But truancy can be a problem in the school of life. Some Christians think they can get by without doing their homework or even showing up for church. We think we can get by with a verse of the day on our phones. Moses said, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you” (Exodus 33:13). God is pleased with you. And the Lord wants to teach you His ways so you can know Him better. He wants to bless you. But you must go to His school. Read the holy textbook. Get into the Word and let it get into you.
David said, “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25:4). There are a lot of paths in life. We need to learn God’s way. We must ask Him to show us His truth and pursue our spiritual education. It is our only hope. My sons and I used to love school recess – that time when we could be free. One day we will get to have that free time. But for now, we have work to do. Get back to school.
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