Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

100 Years Ago

Celebration Of Cove People

Herald of Aug.29,1919

As this issue of the Herald goes to the mail the Farmers Victory Picnic and Celebration is an event of the past. The day set apart for the occasion, August 28, is here and now almost gone, and yet it will be passed only in so far as actual participation is concerned, for in the minds of many it will long remain.

Yes, it is a great day! Even now hundreds are yet enjoying themselves. One hesitates to make record of the day’s activities least unintentionally to much stress be laid on any one particular feature.

Bright and early the town took on a holiday appearance, and no doubt the same scene was enacted in many homes throughout the Cove.

The weather man evidently conspired with the elements to give us a fair day.

While a trifle too cool for ideal picnic weather yet we have no complaint.

The day was hardly yet started when people began to arrive and soon they were coming by auto, train, and otherwise till noon or shortly after one of the largest crowds ever assembled here was present.


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