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50 Years Ago

Borough Offers Benefits

Herald of July 17, 1969

Martinsburg Borough will offer its employees a health benefit plan, beginning Aug.1. Borough Council Monday approved a plan that would provide hospitalization of $34 a day for 120 days, major medical benefits and a $2,000 life insurance policy for each employee provided the employee pay half the monthly premium. At least three of the six borough employees must agree to accept the plan before it can go into effect. It will cost the borough approximately $85 a year. It will cost each employee approximately $12 a month. Until now, the borough has not offered benefits.

Martinsburg’s new sewage treatment facilities, in use now for seven months, are operating at capacity and the borough faces the necessity of remodeling its older treatment facility to keep pace with the growth of the community. The situation is no surprise to the town fathers. They knew when they launched the $400,000 treatment plant project two years ago that it would be adequate to handle the borough’s needs for only a limited time.


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