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Danger! Danger! Democracy In Danger!!

"The sky is falling; the sky is falling!"

~Chicken Little

Have you ever paid attention to the scripted hyperbole spewed by the democrats and their sycophants in the media?

There are video montages that show these Trump haters all using the exact same phrases. Try searching "beginning of the end Trump" and "walls are closing in Trump." It would be amusing if it weren't so scary.

The latest directive from the Politburo must have encouraged party members to wring their hands and tell the masses that "our democracy is in danger!"

Comrade Democrats and their sock-puppets on virtually every media outlet, except Fox News and One America News, are sounding the alarm that Trump is a "threat to our democracy" or that if he – gasp! – gets reelected "our democracy as we know it will be over."

Comrade Joe Biden is just the latest to warn us that Trump is going to end "our democracy."

Let's have a little history lesson. The United States of America is not now, and never has been, a "democracy". The Founders carefully examined history and the rise and fall of governments up to that time and they decided to set up the United States as a Representative Republic.

Somebody once quipped that "democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner." In a true democracy, the mob rules which seems to be exactly what the Marxists, who now lead the Democrat Party, are striving for.

In a true democracy the people vote directly on issues and laws. The minority has no rights and no voice. They are at the total mercy of the majority. If 51 percent vote to send people to prison for... say, using the wrong gender pronoun, then that's the law and the remaining 49 percent best be careful not to 'misgender.'

In a Representative Republic, it's similar but different. We the people elect representatives to govern us and certain rights are guaranteed and protected by a guiding document or charter. In our case, we have the Constitution of the United States of America.

That founding document is supposed to ensure that even a majority can never strip away those protected rights.

Of course, the Marxists long ago figured out that all they have to do is appoint some like-minded lawyers to lifetime federal judge positions and they can "re-interpret" the Constitution to say whatever they want it to say. But I digress.

Even a Representative Republic can get to the point where the minority is in danger of abuse at the hands of the majority. Once there are a majority of people who think – or are lead- a certain way, they elect representatives who are willing to pander to them. All of a sudden, "rights" that do not appear in our guiding document, our Constitution, are created.

To the Marxists that now control the Democrat Party, "healthcare" at government expense is now a right. They also believe it is a "right" for every person from any country to just waltz into the US and live here (as long as they vote democrat, wink, wink).

Self-proclaimed Socialist Comrade Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) – who Democrat Party Chairman Tom Perez declared is "the future of the Democrat Party" – just this week declared that "housing" is a right and that the right of someone to have housing comes before the "privilege" of making a profit from building houses.

That's right all of you home builders. According to Comrade AOC you have no right to make a profit building homes or installing the HVAC system, wiring, plumbing, etc. Your "privilege" to make a living is secondary to the "right" of the person for whom you're building the home to have adequate housing.

Where does Comrade OAC come up with this stuff? From the Father of Communism, of course. Karl Marx popularized the concept of "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

So, getting back to the Marxist democrats and their propaganda-meisters in the media doing their latest Chicken Little impersonations with the claims that Trump is a threat to "our democracy"... maybe what they mean when they say "our" democracy is actually their dream utopia where they see themselves as the majority wolves voting against the poor minority -conservative- sheep?

That would actually make sense from their Marxist point of view. They're worried that Trump is setting back some of the gains they've made toward a mob rule in America. Seriously, the only way they can ever bring their Marxist agenda to fruition is to reach that magic 51 percent mark and shove it down the minority's throat.

So, when they say Trump is a threat to "our" democracy, what they really mean is that he is a threat to "their" dream of true democracy.

I guess I could be wrong. I mean, perhaps a more well-informed comrade than me can write a letter to the Editor and point out all the ways that Trump is taking away our rights and threatening "our democracy."

I'll wait.

Author's Note: It would be stupid to assume that the views expressed in this column are necessarily held by the Morrisons Cove Herald, its employees, owners or advertisers.

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