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100 Years Ago

Woman Celebrates 99 Years

Herald of May 30, 1919

Wednesday of last week was the 99th birthday anniversary of Elizabeth Camerer, the grand old lady residing on the borough limits northeast of town. Annually and appropriately her friends gather at her home to spend this occasion with her. Each year the century mark has been coming a little closer till now less than a single year intervenes. It is not at all improbable that she will round out the full one hundred years. To the number of fifty-five relatives and friends gathered at the old Camerer Homestead, which place has been the home of grandmother Camerer for some 80 odd years, to do homage to this remarkable aged lady.

An interesting affair took place on South Market Street on Monday morning when Miss Emma Benson planted two beautiful Norway maple trees in front of her residence in memory of D. Mary Tipton and Guy Bonner, who paid the supreme sacrifice for their country, somewhere in France. It is sincerely hoped they will grow, and we may hold in our memories the loyal young men for which they were dedicated.


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