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75 Years Ago

A Letter from Prison Camp

Herald of April 27, 1944

A card received recently by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Horton of Salemville relieved very much their anxiety as to the welfare of their son, Staff Sergeant Harold F. Horton, who is a prisoner in a German camp, presumably some place in Italy. The Horton Family had been notified in February that their son was missing in action over Italy since Jan. 29. After that they got no further word from the War department, but their anxiety caused them to get in touch with the Red Cross, which was able to locate their son in a prison camp.

A telegram from the War department Monday morning informed Rev. And Mrs. C. A. Graybill of West Allegheny street that their son, 2nd Lt. Clayton Paul Grabill, is missing since April 8, while on a flight as a member of the 14th air force. He was a navigator and bombardier on a B-25 under the command of Ge. Clair Chenault.

An unexpected and delightful surprise for the Hartman family was the arrival of their son home on furlough Wednesday morning of this week with a seven-day leave.


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