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Fake hate crimes, committed by fake Trump supporters, began to roll in as soon as the election results were in. And they haven't stopped.
On Nov. 10, 2016, a Muslim University of Louisiana student reported to police that two white men, one of with was wearing a "Trump hat" attacked her and ripped her hijab from her head. She later admitted to fabricating the story.
Also, and probably not coincidentally, on Nov. 10, a San Diego State University student reported that she also was confronted by two white men in a parking garage stairway. Those white men ripped off her hijab, shouted pro-Trump and anti-Muslim comments and then stole her backpack, purse and car. Police later revealed that the young lady's car wasn't stolen at all, she had just forgotten where she had parked it. The rest of her story could not be corroborated with video or witnesses and she refused to talk to police any more.
Hmmm, I think we can count that one as false too.
Also in November of 2016, a black woman named Ashley Boyer claimed that she was harassed at a Delaware gas station by four white Trump supporters who said horribly racist things and threatened her with a weapon. She claimed the men had been arrested. No police departments received such a complaint.
In May 2017, an arrest was made for the spray painting of anti-gay, Nazi and pro-Trump graffiti onto the exterior walls of an Indiana church. The gay Trump-hating church organist was the one who was ultimately arrested.
In September of 2018, a Long Island, N.Y., woman reported to police that four white teens made racist and pro-Trump comments to her and left a racist note on her car. She was later arrested when her report proved to be false.
The latest example
The most recent, and most reported, case is that of the attack on Jussie Smollett. He's the poor gay black actor who received hate mail that looked like a kindergartener wrote it with a red crayon; complete with "MAGA" as a return address. A few days later he was attacked, beaten, had bleach thrown on him and a noose placed around his neck while his two white MAGA-hat wearing attackers shouted anti-gay, racist and pro-Trump things at him.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)-afflicted media just couldn't stop talking about it. It was everything they dreamed of and it perfectly fit their narrative.
Comrade Democrats and their Hollywood sycophants all chimed in to tell us how it was Trump's fault. It was a story that said all the news media want to say about the evil orange man in the White House and they couldn't resist running with it despite all of the red flags.
Consider this
Put yourself in poor Smollett's shoes: you get jumped and beaten by some dudes and they throw bleach on you and place a noose around your neck. After they run away, do you remove the noose in horror and call 9-1-1 on your cell phone right away? Or do you let the noose in place, walk all the way back to your apartment, call your manager and have your manager call the police?
The correct answer is that you would have an instinctive reaction to get the noose off your neck and you would call 9-1-1 right away.
Never mind that it was 2 a.m., one degree outside with 17 m.p.h. winds and 29 m.p.h. gusts, and in an area of Chicago not known for its conservative population. We're all supposed to believe that two white guys wearing ski masks and MAGA hats were roaming the streets of Chicago carrying a bottle of bleach and a length of rope just looking for a gay black guy to thump in Trump's name?
My mother used to say if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is but this was just too tempting for the TDS-infected media and all of the TDS-infected Hollywood elites to pass up. They've been made out to be fools.
Smollett has now been charged with a felony for sending the fake hate mail to himself and for making up the whole assault story. Just like that, the TDS-afflicted media suddenly quit talking about the story. I guess the part about him making it all up doesn't fit the narrative.
Shiny-object distraction
The news media was so very eager to report on all of these "hate crimes" committed by evil Trump supporters until they were proven false and then ... oooooh, look over here at this shiny object! Unless you're getting your news from a fair and balanced outlet, you'd never know how many stories turn out to be false.
Meanwhile, almost weekly there is a verifiable, usually videotaped, crime where a TDS sufferer attacks someone wearing a MAGA hat. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media never reports these crimes. Again, if you're not getting your news from a fair and balanced outlet, you'd never know they happen at all.
Here's the million-dollar question – if Trump supporters are all deplorable, racists who hate gays and Muslims, why do they need to fabricate the evidence?
Author's Note: It would be stupid to assume that the views expressed in this column are necessarily held by the Morrisons Cove Herald, its employees, owners or advertisers.
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