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Charlie Brown Characters Come to Life

Northern Bedford High School performed a spectacular rendition of "Your a Good Man, Charlie Brown" March 14-16.

If you missed this event you missed a very entertaining evening. Each character was brought to life in a stunning way. Lucy was bossy and head-strong. Charlie Brown was awkward and unsure. Linus carried his faithful blanket while being remarkably wise for someone his age. Sally was her precocious little sister self. Schroder was in love with all things Beethoven and music, and Snoopy was always ready for suppertime.

If you've never seen "Your a Good Man, Charlie Brown," it's a little different from other plays or musicals you might have seen. It's really more of a collection of short skits or plays all put together as opposed to a typical play where there is a true story line with a plot and resolution. It was almost like seeing your favorite comic strips come to life in front of your eyes.

The cast and crew did a fabulous job bringing these loveable characters to life to a packed house Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. The audience was enthralled with the show as they laughed along with the characters antics. They laughed when Lucy slugs her brother after promising her she wouldn't and justifies her actions by saying, "Its a woman's prerogative to change her mind."

The audience felt empathy toward Charlie Brown when he couldn't summon the courage to talk to "the little redheaded girl" he has a crush on. The crowd laughed again when Snoopy sets off on a mission to capture the Red Baron from the roof of his dog house.

If you happen to see any of the cast or crew from this most recent production wish them a job well done. Your a Good man, Charlie Brown!


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