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NBC School Board Hears Student Parking Fee Proposals

The school board members of Northern Bedford School District discussed many issues at their March 12 meeting.

Ariel Reed, a senior at Northern Bedford, presented a proposal to the school board in relation to the parking permit fees. Reed had conducted a survey of her classmates focusing particularly on those who drove to school. She discussed how the current price of $25 quarterly or $75 annually was to expensive for most students and not in keeping with the socio-economic structure of the community in which they live.

Reed proposed that the school board consider making one of two changes to the current parking fees. First, Reed suggested the school board lower the parking fee over the next two years from $75 per year to $50 the first year and then $25 the next. Her argument for this option was that it would allow more students who need to drive to school the ability to do so more affordably.

The second option Reed proposed would be for the school board to designate a percentage of the revenue obtained from the parking passes to go to something benefitting the students such as the senior class trip. She expressed that if some benefit was given to students who use these passes they would be more likely to purchase them. It was discussed that many students choose to drive to school so that they can go to jobs or participate in after-school activities such as sporting events or the school play.

At the current price the feeling is that many who might wish to drive to school for such reasons as listed above do not because they simply can’t afford it.

The school board expressed its thanks to Reed for her “thoughtful” presentation.

PIAA Legislation

Another topic of discussion at this month’s board meeting is the introduction of new legislation by state Rep. Scott Conklin concerning PIAA regulations. Specifically this new legislation, if passed, would allow for separate playoffs to be held for schools with boundaries such as Northern Bedford and schools without boundaries such as Bishop Guilfoyle. It has been discussed in the past that as the legislation currently stands there is a growing discord and unfairness between those schools that can recruit players from anywhere on the globe versus those who are restricted to the players within their districts.

Todd Beatty, Northern Bedford superintendent, said that, statistically, non-boundary schools make up approximately 18 percent of the total PIAA membership. But nearly 75 percent of the state basketball championships are won by such schools in the lower divisions. The administration at Northern Bedford thinks this legislation would go a long way to leveling the playing field.

Cyber-School Costs ‘Soaring’

Superintendent Beatty also discussed a measure of legislation that may have significant effect on Northern Bedford. State Rep. Curt Sonney of Erie, who is the chairman of the House Education Committee, is sponsoring a bill that would curb the financial crisis associated with cyber school funding. The bill states that “if a school district has their own cyber-school, the district would not be required to pay the fee for a student that chooses to attend a different cyber-school.” Currently, cyber-school costs are soaring and Beatty discussed that “looking at the budget for 19-20, cyber school costs is one of two factors that may force the school board to approve a tax increase this year.”

The school board is encouraging all voters to be actively involved in expressing their opinions regarding each of these pieces of legislation.

NB to Host Reading Competition

Trevor Replogle, elementary principal, shared that 14 students from grades 5 and 6 will be participating in a county-wide reading competition which is set to take place on March 28 at Northern Bedford Middle/High School. Students have been working to read a list of 50 books under the direction of Pam Brown, the elementary librarian. Students will be competing against students from Bedford, Everett, Chestnut Ridge, Hyndman, Tussey Mountain, and Claysburg-Kimmel.

Brian Sell to Speak At Graduation

An approval was given at this meeting for Brian Sell to be the speaker at this year’s commencement ceremony. Sell is a graduate of Northern Bedford and took part in the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing as a marathon runner.

Also approved at this month’s meeting was the 2019-20 school calendar. The 2019-20 school year will begin Aug. 21 and the calendar will be available in its entirety on the Northern Bedford School district’s website in the near future.

Resignations and volunteers were accepted for various sporting cycles.


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