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Lines By Lee

From Bitter to Better

When we last left Naomi she was bitterly back in Bethlehem but the barley harvest began. The culture and customs would have been new to Ruth, but her focus was on being a support to her mother-in-law. Since God is always working, we should be prepared for what He has for us next. It just so happened that the sovereign Lord had a plan for Naomi and Ruth.

The Bible states that a relative of Naomi's deceased husband named Boaz was "wealthy and influential" (Ruth 2:1). Sometimes being wealthy and influential goes hand in hand. Fair or not, having money can mean that you can make things happen and impact others for good or bad. Of course there are wealthy people who are not influential. There are less fortunate people who have touched many lives. Boaz had a good reputation and we will soon learn that he was generous.

Having no source of income, Ruth took it upon herself to hit the fields during the harvest to take advantage of a biblical welfare system. It was required that field owners leave some barley unharvested for those in need. They could come along afterwards and reap the leftovers without obligation. The work had to be done by those in need. Naomi was all for the idea.

Ruth just happened to choose to gather in a field that was owned by the wealthy and influential Boaz. The man could not help but notice Ruth. It is not clear if he was simply moved by compassion or was physically attracted to the foreign woman. We know Boaz was kind right away because he greets the harvesters. He would not have to associate with the lowly workers but he did. And Boaz asked his foreman, "Who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?" (5). Boaz' employee stated that she was from Moab, related to Naomi, asked permission, and was working hard. Those were all good things to hear for the field owner. Boaz took his cue and approached Ruth. Even if there was an attraction from what he saw in her face, relationships can't last if built on appearance. They take commitment.

Perhaps based on the little bit he knew, Boaz felt an obligation. Ruth was related and had a reputation for doing things right. There was no initial small talk. Boaz basically said, "Look no further and go nowhere else" (8-9). It is built within the hearts of good men to want to care for and provide. He wanted to make the task of gleaning as easy as possible for this lady. Boaz wanted to protect her and keep her close by. That sounded good to Ruth though she was surprised. "What have I done to deserve such kindness? "I am only a foreigner" (10). Maybe she questioned the statement of Boaz because she did not know the custom and what kind of man he was. It certainly must have sounded too good to be true. She woke up hoping to get enough grain to get two people by for a while. Something more was happening.

Ruth did not feel worthy. I recently talked with someone who has been a Christian for many years but does not feel that she is deserving of salvation. No one deserves the favor of God, but He loves to give it. That is grace. The Lord provides in amazing ways even when we may not expect it.

Boaz went on to reveal that he knew some things about Ruth beyond what the foreman told him. He knew she was a widow and knew "everything you have done for your mother-in-law" (11). Not only did Boaz have a good reputation, but he was drawn to this woman who had one also. He realized her sacrifice and commitment to Naomi. A good reputation is not only appealing, but it can lead to open doors and God's blessing. Boaz hoped God would bless and reward Ruth because of who she is and what she had done. Wealth and influence for Boaz came from the sovereign God and Boaz gladly acknowledged Him.

Ruth was impacted by the kind words. She expressed gratitude. This initial conversation had a lot of depth and was full of hope. Ruth left open the door to continue the connection and commitment to provide that Boaz was offering in a strong way.

The words of Boaz were backed up by his actions. At mealtime she was invited to eat with the group. And just as when Jesus fed over 5,000, there were leftovers. Sometimes God gives us blessings in abundance!

After eating, it was back to work for Ruth. But Boaz wanted to make life a bit easier for her. He arranged it so she would get more than expected. It would be easy pickings for Ruth. She still worked hard all day and into the evening. She had a large, full basket to show for it (17).

She presented Naomi with the bountiful barley and the leftovers from lunch. This was the start of Naomi's bitterness breaking down. Naomi seemed impressed and blessed as she even acknowledged the Lord's provision (19). She was excited to hear the name connected with the grain. Naomi recognized Boaz as a family redeemer. He was one God could use to give her and Ruth a fresh start. Ruth added to the good news by saying Boaz welcomed her to keep coming back as long as the harvest lasted. Naomi knew that Ruth would be safe with Boaz. Ruth went back for more barley. That led to the wheat harvest. And soon God would lead these characters to even more. Daily obedience and faith brings blessing!


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