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SR 866 Flood Control Project Now Out for Bids

The State Route 866 project, which is intended to prevent flooding in the borough, is now out for bids.

During the regular meeting on Monday, March 4, Williamsburg Borough Council met with Stiffler-McGraw Engineer John Clabaugh, Hollidaysburg. Clabaugh said that the plans and estimate were sent to the borough and they were “similar to what we previously discussed.”

Clabaugh said the estimate for the project is around $132,000, which is a $7,000 increase than what was originally anticipated. Clabaugh said that he factored in the cost removing and repairing sidewalks and curbs to explain why price was increased. The $132,000 estimate does not include engineering costs.

Councilmember Jon Detwiler made a motion to advertise the project for bids in the Altoona Mirror with Bruce Hamilton seconding. The motion passed unanimously.

Bids are due by 3 p.m. on Monday, April 1, which is before the next regular borough council meeting. Project construction is scheduled to begin in the summer.

Councilmember Bruce Hamilton made a motion to accept Resolution 2019-3, a file retention schedule, which is a list of files that the borough will be keeping on the borough office premises. Councilmember Detwiler seconded the motion, which passed.

Resolution 2019-4, for disposition of specific records, which allows for removal of unnecessary files, was also accepted. Councilmember Hamilton made the motion with Councilmember Ed Patterson seconding and the motion passed.


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