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M-burg Council to Set Up Civil Service Commission

Martinsburg Borough Council took a huge step forward on Monday, March 4, toward hiring a future third full-time police officer.

During its regular scheduled meeting, council unanimously voted to assemble a Police Civil Service Commission.

Council hopes to hire another full-time police officer for the department; therefore a Police Civil Service Commission must be established. Chief of Police Kerry L. Hoover and Sgt. Justin Davis are Martinsburg's two full-time officers.

According to Pennsylvania state law, any borough employing three or more members in its police department must establish a Civil Service Commission. The commission is responsible for administering the Civil Service Examination to applicants for positions and promotion within the police department. It is also responsible for establishing minimum qualifications for such positions, testing applicants for borough appointments, and holding hearings in cases of dismissals or reduction in rank of police officers.

According to Chief Hoover, the Police Civil Service Commission will be comprised of a minimum of three members and up to three alternates, each appointed by borough council. Members of the commission must be a resident of Martinsburg Borough and not serving on council.

Chief Hoover said the commission will be required to meet at least once a year, then only when it involves the hiring full-time officers, promotions and disciplinary actions.

The commission will oversee written and physical agility tests and interviews of applicants for the position of future full-time officers. The commission would then give its recommendations to council. The chief of police will also do a background check on the person that the commission will propose to council. Council will make the final vote when it comes to the hiring of an officer.

The chief of police said the commission will have its own solicitor separate from council. On Monday, council unanimously named Attorney Brendan J. Moran of the Beard Legal Group, Altoona, to aid council in setting up the Police Civil Service Commission. Moran will be paid between $160 and $170 per hour, which has been already budgeted for the year.

Chief Hoover said any borough resident who would like to serve on the commission or who may have questions are asked to contact the borough office at 793-3213 or visit the municipal building at 110 S. Walnut St.

Speeding Along Piney Creek

Chief Hoover said officers have been patrolling Piney Creek Road (State Route 866) in Huston Township on occasion during the early morning hours to watch for speeders.

During February's council meeting, Jim Parks and Melvin Edwards expressed their concerns for the speeding traffic on Piney Creek Road in the township. Parks, who works for the township, said he had been noticing the speeding early in the morning as well as cars passing the plow truck.

Chief Hoover said some of the officers have issued citations for speeding.

Huston Township has a police agreement with the Martinsburg Police Department for a budgeted amount per year, so a lot of the service is on an as-needed basis.

Manager's Report

During his report to council, borough Manager Richard Brantner Jr. said their were water leaks on Feb. 5 at 108 S. Ann St. and on Feb. 27 at 312 S. Market St.

Branter said borough crews dealt with about 4 inches of snow, sleet, ice and rain on Feb. 12.

On Feb. 20, Brantner said crews dealt with about 6 inches of snow, sleet, ice and rain.

"Mother Nature threw everything at us that day," Brantner said. Brian [Miller] and Dusty [Russell] did a great job with keeping the roads clear."

Council's next scheduled meeting is set for 7 p.m. on Monday, April 1.


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